Box 2

Lenny Johnson
2 min readOct 24, 2020

“Hello there.” the voice said,

“You can see now.”

Blinding light, then clarity. I was in a room — a space, it felt familiar yet I couldn’t place anything. Vagueness.

“Don’t worry, it’ll all make sense soon enough.” the voice said again.

“Who are you?” I tried to say, but no words came out.

“I’m right here.” The voice answered back. A form appeared before me or it had always been there and I never noticed.

“Who are you?” The words came from me again.

“I’m this space. I’m everything. I’m you.”

“Who am I then?” I have no memories.

“You’re you silly.” The voice said, amused by my question.

“How was it this time?” The voice asked.

“I can’t remember anything.”

“Let me help with that,” I felt a coldness go through me.

“There, you should remember now.”

“I died in a hospital.” I said.

“Yes, you were a casualty in a war.”

“I had a family.”

“And now you’re here.” The voice said calmly.

“Why would you ask how it went?” I asked,

“If you know how it ended.”

“I see you still haven’t remembered everything. These things can take time.”

“What do you mean?” I asked and I realized.

I felt the presence smile.

“I did well.” I said to the voice.

“You did.” Said the voice.

“I loved. I played. I cried.” The cold feeling was replaced by warmth.

“Yes, you did well.” The voice continued.

More memories.

“Why didn’t you tell me I was also a soldier?”

“Wait for it.”

“And a protester. And a dictator. And the people I killed. An_”

“And those you hated. And those you helped. And those you loved.” The voice added.

“And you.” I continued, I felt the presence agree.

“Consciousness has become whole.” The voic…I said.

I am evil.

I am good.

Light. Darkness. And everything in between.

Let’s do it again.

What do we want for each other…

